September 1, 2009

JP: It's Official

Well, it finally happened. I knew that I was bearing down on it, but it became a reality last Thursday night. I'M OLD!! It seems that IHOP has an intramural basketball league that is open to students, instructors, and staff members. One of my friends from home group asked me if I wanted to play because I looked like I had "game". Since Matt is among the elderly here at IHOP (mid 30's), I figured "sure, why not?" My thinking was that as long as I didn't have a heart attack by mid-season that my respiratory endurance would catch up and I would be fine. Well, my plan never got off the ground. It seems that when Matt informed the team captain that I was 46, he said that I was too old! Some of my t-shirts have scored more points than Junior. At first, I took it in stride and thought that it was a sign from God to preserve my life. But not Kristian. To say that she was put out is an understatement. If it is up to her, I'll be on a strict training regiment and prepare to go the route of free agent and come back to haunt that pre-school captain. Or maybe I'll just buy a rocker for the front porch.

1 comment:

DICK said...

Jeff, Remember, we don't get OLD, we just get BETTER!