September 14, 2009

JP: Celebrate

Starting Thursday, The International House of Prayer - Kansas City will be celebrating its 10 year anniversary of night and day prayer, 24 hours a day/7 days a week. There will be 4 days of celebration and reminiscing followed by a big blow out picnic on Sunday. We will be celebrating not only where God has taken us over these 10 years, but what He is doing currently through IHOP-KC, and how He will use small IHOP-KC in His grand scheme of things in the future.

This celebration caused me to reflect on how we respond to God's blessings in our lives. Do we ever look back and give thanks from what He has delivered us and how He has blessed us? What about in the small things in our lives? The Apostle Luke tells us about the time that Jesus instructed 10 lepers to go show themselves to the priests. While on their way, all 10 were healed. Sadly, only one came back to thank Jesus. All throughout the Old Testament the Israelites would build monuments to
commemorate times when God had touched them and blessed their lives. Often times it was just a pile of rocks. But the fact is that they took the time out of their busy lives to turn and remember the peaks and valleys that He had walked through with them and what He had done for them.

Do we ever return to the "scene of the crime" and say thank you? Or, are we like the other nine lepers and just go on our merry way with our get out of jail free card tucked in our pocket, forgotten, until needed again?

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