October 30, 2009

JP: Blustery Days

When we bought our house here in Grandview, one of the positives (I thought) was that there wouldn't be many leaves to rake this fall. Sure, we had the 5 pear trees, but they didn't have that many leaves. What I failed to realize is that in Missouri/Kansas it doesn't matter how many leaves your trees have. You need to look at how many trees your neighbor has, his neighbor has, the subdivision next to yours has, the next county has, and how many Oklahoma and Nebraska have because all their leaves are coming your way!

The wind is so bad here that we have to tether Mallory to me whenever we go out or else we'll get a call from someone in Illinois or Indiana one day saying they found her plastered against their grain silo. Anyone know where I can get a pair of those boots that the astronauts wore on the moon to help weight her down?

I was attempting to leave the prayer room today and was bounced between the cars in the parking lot like a pinball. I finally made it to the safety of my truck. However, my battle was not over. With both feet firmly planted against the inside wall of of the floor board and seat belt tightly secured, I had to hold onto the door with both hands to keep it from being ripped off the hinges and discovering later that it had actually beat me home!

I later found out that we almost had to make a trip to the emergency room as both Ashton's legs were nearly amputated by the van door as she attempted to get out. Just another beautiful Autumn day in Missouri.


DICK said...

Okay, Jeff, you get the prize for funniest (all except for when I think about poor 2 pound Mallory plastered against whatever gets in the way as she blows along).


DICK said...

This post reminds me of last January when you all moved to KC. The day was windy like you describe in the blog. Jeff and I went to run some errands--I think to Home Depot; parked the car; and walked towards the store. I turned around and my car door was wide open. The wind was blowing so hard and making so much noise, that we could not hear the door slam close--which it had not done! We frantically chased around the parking lot for receipts and other papers that had blown out of the car!!