December 28, 2009

KP: Snow

KP Writes:
When driving home to MO, the highways were dry and clear but the side roads were a packed snowy mess with mounds of plowed snow on the outer edge of the lanes. The parking lots were even worse.

The Grandview Plaza shopping strip, (the property IHOP j
ust purchased to renovate for our Bible school) was a site. The snow plows had just made a single pass through all around the edge of the lot. (up next to the side walk/building). Here are a few pictures.

We drove the van behind the snow to give you size perspective.

When we got home, just 2 miles away we tried to pull in our drive way, couldn't get in, then almost got stuck. So, 1st thing on the agenda, shovel the driveway, then unload the car. (And don't forget to salt the steps and front porch!!)

This is our driveway, after we tried to pull in. We measured 6.5-7 inches deep, but a friend of ours who stayed for Christmas said that they got a foot of snow!!!
The snow wasn't completely unspoiled in our yard. The deer had been making their daily trek around our house.

Love ya,


Tuffyw said...

SEND US SNOW!!!!!!!!! We want it for a few days then it can go away (sorry).

Judy said...

I bet Trace hasn't seen the "tracks" yet or he'd be on the road headed that way. Or, is deer season already over??


DICK said...

What kind of parent would let their kids outside in that kind of weather in SHORT sleeves?????????????