March 25, 2009

KP: Ask Yourself Why?

KP writes:
Ask Yourself Why?

In my previous blog I wrote about the Kansas City St. Patrick's Day Parade and our participation in the actual parade. However, the parade itself was several hours into our fun and excitement of the day.

Prior to March 17th each IHOP participant had signed up to minister in a variety ways on the streets of KC for approximately 2 1/2 hours before the parade began. It takes quite a while for 200,000 people to park, get their souvenirs, get their refreshments and secure their spot on the side of the parade route. So they were a captive audience and we were on assignment. Some were street preachers in costume. Others were clipboard survey teams. Some were video interview teams.
Some were prophetic teams. Some were dream teams. Some passed out St. Patrick's Day pamphlets (ie tracts)....

Originally, the four of us had signed up as part of the prophecy teams. But, we had to bail on that because of logistics. (Only one 'prophetic person' went with a clipboard survey person. We didn't think it wise to turn our daughters over to the streets of KC, green beer and all, with one other person...who we didn't even know, who could be 18 or 80.) So we bailed and ventured out on the task of passing out tracts. Not really my style, but I must say the Lord really impressed something on my heart, hence this blog entry.

These tracts had one page of facts on Saint Patrick, then a gospel presentation, prayer, and follow up info. Kind of standard. Well, we learned quickly that the people don't want to take anything you are trying to hand them. And, the people coming to the parade were on a mission and that didn't include slowing down to talk to us. Ashton and Mallory had a little more success....hum? I am not sure why.....Then Jeff came upon strategy that made them slow down, listen, and take a tract. He began calling out loudly things like, "Do you know where St. Patrick was born?" Well, it is not Ireland, but don't feel badly because 85% of the people didn't know. They really didn't know anything about St. Patrick.

That is when the Lord really began to speak to my heart. Here we have 150,000 plus people who are wholeheartedly into this event. They have taken the day off work and school. They have gone all out and bought green attire and are all decked out. They have driven downtown and paid to park, lugging children, coolers, dogs, blankets, chairs....They are buying $3 hot dogs and overpriced drinks. They are buying boatloads of junk "souvenirs". They are fully into this.

Fully into this. But what? They don't know who St. Patrick was. Many didn't know he was even a real person. They don't know anything he did. (Me either, but I do know all about why I was there!) They didn't know what the holiday was celebrating. They don't know why they are wearing green. They don't know why they are supposed to drink green beer, and at 9AM, with the kids.

150,000+ people, put on their green clothes, and came to line the streets on a given day at an appointed time because someone, possibly on the media, or maybe a friend, announced that it was the thing they should do. So they did.

Mostly there is nothing innately wrong with what they were doing. But for me, I saw a very frightening correlation to their participation and to the end times. I envisioned a newly prominent world leader, promising peace and safety. Somebody, maybe the media or a neighbor or friend or family member said, "Let's go out. There is going to be a parade. It should be fun. We will all wear our red shirts. There will be music and maybe a speech."

And, not having a clue why they were going, what they were going for,or what the 'guy' stood for, they went. It became apparent to me 'the blind following' that we, as a people, do. Just going. Just because. I don't know why. No particular reason. But supporting it just the same. Like cattle. Coming in droves. Following the herd, but to where?

I don't know about you but I intend on asking why? Why, when I make choices. Why, when I make decisions. Why, when I make statements. Why am I doing what I am doing? And what does it mean? What is behind it? There is coming a day when it will be a matter of life and death to be informed and make appropriate choices. I don't want to be a 'dumb cow', just following , just because.....Will you ask yourself why?

Love ya,


1 comment:

Judy said...

Great analogy!!!!!!!
Love you, Moma