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Mallory in the lead with Jeff close behind early in the 28 mile bike ride on the Praire Spirit Trail in KS.
I cannot express how much I enjoyed the time just talking and being with my moma!
A farm in the heartland of America.
'NOTHIN' ! I have only seen two other places of so much 'nothin': the Grand Canyon, and the desert in CA. Let me clarify that I do not mean 'nothin' in a negative sense. The peace and quiet is unbelievable. It is most relaxing to hear so many birds and the gentle breezes stirring the prairie grasses.
The bike trail that we rode was the Prairie Spirit Trail. We got on the trail in Ottawa, Kansas, which is about an hour west of KC, MO. It was a small pebble surface but was built on an old rail line so it was fairly flat and straight.
I didn't know there even were towns this small. That is a picture of the post office. Having lived my entire life in the metro Atlanta area (except for my college years) I guess I was in the dark.
Yes. That is City Hall. (But they do have street lights in this town.)
The weather was beautiful! It was about 80, sunny and not breezy at all. We all got the farmer tan/burn on our arms, not to mention the shorts-knee cap thigh tan!! Now that May is here, we can be almost certain winter is over. We won't get carried away though and put up our jackets!
We rode for 28 miles and the beauty around us was never ending! Romans 1:20 became more real to me than ever. "For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
Lunch never tasted so good! This bike trail had very nice picnic and restroom facilities. It also had many benches and maps of the trail with 'You are Here'...(ie: in the middle of nowhere!!)
Wow, look!! We are coming up on another thriving metropolis.
Girl talk. It is priceless between sisters and friends. The girls have grown even closer in their relationship with each other over the last several months. Yes, they have their sister moments but their love for each other is precious.
"Come after me [as disciples--letting Me be your Guide], follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!"
A picnic lunch on the Missouri River. There are nice parks everywhere in the midwest. It was a bit breezy (as usual) but the sun was warm!
We went to this amazing seed, plant, and spice store in downtown KC. This place was founded in 1880 and was a real adventure. I think Dick and I could have stayed there for hours.
Dick bought several unusual varieties of tomato plants and herbs. He was in gardeners heaven! I am not sure Moma was as thrilled about the purchases. You must remember that Moma and Dick arrived in a small Honda Accord. They brought their two bicycles and bike rack, which are stored INSIDE the car for the long trip to/from MO to reduce wind drag and increase gas mileage. So thinking ahead to the return trip, Moma was seeing those small plants as a packing delimma.
No worries with joyful Miss Mallory!!!!
Waiting on the 200 pounds of birdseed Dick purchased to be brought out to the car!! Now I wonder who is going to hold that all 800 miles back to Marietta? (Moma, don't forget the large shredder Dick bought for the church the other day at the Bargain Factory!)
One day during Moma and Dick's visit we went to downtown Kansas City to explore the City Market. Being a weekday we could look around without the crowds typically found on the weekend. We got some great deals on fresh fruits/vegetables...not really a surprise considering who I was shopping with!! We also found many international shops just in case we ever decide to buy ethnic foods. (Notice all the downtown traffic .....and on a weekday!!!)
Mallory in an International Shop.
Mallory and HER Papa in the open air market.
Fresh spices anyone?Are you tired yet??
Ashton told me about the Bike trip - looks like it was alot of fun
Let me explain the "200 pounds of birdseed": sunflower see is $26/40# at Home Depot. I got 50# for $17 at the garden/seed store!
If you can bring 5000# when you come in July for Youth Camp, we can sell enough at a profit to pay for camp registration!
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