After 3 intense months of total immersion through teaching, homework, serving, and prayer room time....we 'graduated' from our INTRO internship. You can see us getting our certificates from the directors of INTRO and one of the other leaders. There are also a couple of pictures of the girls with some of their (and our) favorite people.
During the program we made some incredible friendships with people from all over the United States. Our class was divided into 4 groups so that primarily we bonded with the people (and the children) from our 'team/family group'. We were on team #1. This is a picture of team #1 at our last home group.
Since the internship ended we have had a chance through a new home group, which mostly consists of people from team #2, to get to know more fabulous people. Team #2 was the winner of the famous 'Worship with the Word' trophy on the last day of class. (See photo)
Our new home group meets together weekly in one family's home (just like cell groups at our home church) sharing dinner, then fellowship, worship, prayer and then teaching or prophecy or however the Lord leads. These people are some of our dearest friends in KC!! We love the Skeeles from Hawaii and the Priors from Buffalo, as well as everyone our group. (Photo is of the Skeele's youngest son Kahi and the Prior's newest addition from Hondorus, Olivia. The Prior's five adult children are all on Worship Teams here at IHOP in the nightwatch.) This group holds each other accountable as well as continually encouraging each other to go hard after the Lord as we minister to the nations both in prayer ministry and evangelism. God is doing awesome things on the earth!!
Love ya, Kristian
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