Moma and Dick were able to come for a visit in mid April. Who ever heard of a 'vacation in KC, MO'? It's probably not what first comes to mind when you begin brainstorming about where to spend your time off from work!! But they came, and we had a great time. (the grandchildren are a great draw!!) Not only did we get to show them our some of our new 'life' and
Needless to say, they brought their bicycles and we had opportunity to ride. These pictures are from a bike ride about 5 miles from our house in the Longview Lake area on a cold and windy Sunday afternoon.
During a break we taught Nana and Papa a few of the Apostolic Prayers as we had learned them with the 2-4 year olds. We found that by serving in the Children's Equipping Center during INTRO, we were able to memorize these prayers much easier with song and motions. We may look silly, but I bet we will never forget those Scriptures!! We are fools for Christ's sake. (I Cor 4:10)
As As you see in the last photo, we did a little off-roading as a short cut back to our cars. Notice our fearless leader!!
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