October 5, 2010

KP: You are Probably Not Old

KP Writes:

Well now. I have been informed and updated by my 'college daughter'....It seems that before this morning I was not in the know, but now, I have the latest, breaking, 'scientific' classification. I was sitting at my desk reading an all inspiring teaching about Holy Spirit and the strength of the Lord as described in Isaiah 40, you know-feeling quite inspired when Ashton said, "Moma, you are not old." Curiously, I pursued her train of thought and was informed of the facts from her current text. Psychology currently describes old as the following:

65-74 Young Old
75-84 Middle Old
85-and up Old Old

Well then. I am not by definition, old. Some of my readers, well you have entered the classification scale of old, but not to worry- you are not Old Old, nor even Middle Old-but you may be pushing the scale!

Lynn S. and Margaret K. once gave reference to Psalms 92: 12-14 when someone mentioned 'old' and it is my prayer for me as I grow 'old'.

"The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree,
He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Planted in the house of the Lord, They will flourish in the courts of our God.
They will still yield fruit in old age;
They shall be full of sap and very green,"

Love ya,

P.S. I wonder what tomorrow will bring? All I started out to do was meditate on the Word. Hum...


Judy said...

I frequently tell people that "I don't feel old", and, for the most part, "I don't act old" (after all, I hike and bike, ski and scuba dive); however the mirror says some saggy/wrinkly things that "look a bit old". Now, thanks to Ashton's higher education, it looks like I have "officially" crossed over into "young old". I like the "young" part, but not so much the "old" part - BUT I'm not rolling over and succumbing to the label yet, I feel far too good for that! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!
Love, Moma

DICK said...

So is there any option other than the obvious one to avoid moving from "young old" to "old old"????
Love, Papa