May 2, 2009

MP: Thoughts From Esther

MP writes:

Hey y'all,
It is so much fun to be able to say that and people don't go" y'all, that is so funny". Okay so back to my train of thought. My favorite teaching, if I have to limit it to one, is the one that we have heard on Esther. When you get it into the depth of it you realize that it is the story line of us and Jesus. Did you know that we were part of a story? Okay, I know that most of us know the story of Esther, but if you don't there is a kind king and a queen and the king gets rid of the queen. Then the king starts looking for a beautiful maiden in all the cities of his vast kingdom. That's when he finds her in the one of his cities. So she and some others go through beauty treatments that last a year, under the supervision of Hegai, to be made beautiful although she was already very gorgeous. Then the king chose her (Esther) to be his queen. After that Haman, an evil man, got the king to agree to kill all the Jews. So Esther had to plead on the behalf of her people. She made it to where they would be able to fight back. Haman got hung for doing such an evil thing. All ten of his sons died on the day that they tried to kill the Jews and failed. Then the king gave Esther all the authority that Haman had had. She in turn gave it to her cousin Mordecai who had raised her. After thirteen years her miraculous reign came to an end.That is when the king was murdered in his bed. Then she and Mordecai were never heard from again. So in this passage of the Bible Mordecai is like God the Father, King Ahasuesus is like King Jesus, Hegai is like the Holy Spirit( or your mentor), and Haman is like Satan fffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of evil. I encourage you to read Esther with this perspective in mind or not:) I also love the book of Esther because it is a love story not just a fun story. I hope that you will learn something from this.

Love always, Mallory:):):):):)


Anonymous said...

Very nice Mallory. Hope you're doing well.

Doe said...

Hi Mallory,
Glad you liked Esther I did also. I just finished a Bible study of Esther written by Beth Moore and it was wonderful. Did you know that the word God is never mentioned in Esther but his hand is all over it. See you soon.
Love, Grandma

Virginia said...

Oh my dear Mal, i miss you. this is very insightful of you. :) Love you girl

Kurt Miller said...

Mallory!!! That was incredible! I an coming to visit tomorrow and can't wait to see y'all and hear about what the Lord is doing. Cya soon!