Praise the Lord!
I have the privilege of working while people come and shop on Mondays. It is great to be able to pray with and encourage people who have such a humble spirit. Singles, mothers, fathers, families, people of all ages from all walks of life come. One thing that blesses me is the gratitude of the recipients, not just for the material provision of food but to the Lord for His faithfulness. Because these folks are 'forced' to live by faith, they do not take having food to eat for granted. Most of the people in America that I know do not rely on the Lord for food. That don't have to. Food is a given. No faith required. Not really any need there pressing them to pursue the Lord. Sadly the truth is that our needs are actually God's gift to us, to direct our attention and affections toward Him. Oh that we would love Him with such pureness of devotion that this would not be the case.
Also working with Manna_4U, Jeff has been able to assist Skip in picking up food, as well as off loading 'the quail'. Specifically the Lord opened a door in July/August for the ministry to receive a donation 8000 pounds of frozen meat each month. In fact, this last load was 11,000 lbs! That is a LOT of bacon, bologna, chicken, ham, etc....Jeff helps to put the pallets in the freezer for storage before distribution. The humorous thing was that there were actually some quail in one of the deliveries!
Blessed to be a blessing,
Don't worry about eating food from "dented cans". You have a natural, built-in immunity from anything that dented cans might cause, since all of you grew up on "dented cans" in the Gabriel/Williams household! How else could we have raised six HUNGRY kids? Kinda like when you catch the chicken pox, you have immunity from future infections!
[This is also funny: the "word verification" that I had to enter into Google in order to post this was "eater"!]
Forgot to ad: quail are VERY expensive. You might be able to "exchange" them for 10 loaves of bread!
I think the dented cans we ate from made us the way we are. Insert your own comment.
So how does that affect me????
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