Quick Sketch:
- Morning with Hogondai Home Stay families;
- Crystal Chapel Dance Rehearsal
- Crystal Chapel Full Performance
- Fast Train to Shizuoka
Trip Diary:
Dear Friends and Family,
We’ve certainly begun the fast-paced leg of our journey, travelling south thru Honshu, the largest island of Japan. We spent the morning in Hogondai with our host families (looking at a map of Japan, Hogondai is a suburb of Yokohama--south of Tokyo.) The late morning and early afternoon was given to “blocking” our dances in a very small space at Crystal Chapel. The dancers would swirl into each other, hit corners of walls, and slap faces as they passed each other…actually a little dangerous. Thankfully, they had humor.
We forgot to prepare them for the Japanese culture of hiding emotions. When there was very few smiles and laughter and clapping during the performance, they wondered what was wrong. It was a lesson in dancing “for an audience of One.” But later as we prayed for several , the tears flowed freely. Afterwards, a church crowd sent us off with continuous jubilant waving until our bus was out of sight.
A one hour bullet train ride south brought us to Shizuoka where Ricky Gordon and Hiro picked us up. It was great to see old friends. Ricky and Sarah Gordon raised their 5 children while laboring to build a church community here. They also have 5 other adopted Japanese children; and if that’s not enough, they have an adoption ministry of special needs children. It is not unusual to see a 20- something brawny guy with a Downs babe in their arms. Presently they have eight babes.
We sleep in the church on futons, after processing our hearts; Many times we’ve seen at the half-way point in our trips, the tears begin, as the Lord unearths and gently shakes loose some of the lies and idols we hold on to. This is no exception. It is beautiful to see the team gathering around and loving each other through these moments.
Pray for—
Yutaka’s sermon and Team’s dance on Sunday at 10:30.
Kakegawa Dance Camp and Performance on Monday
Natalie Wilson in Hiroshima
Much love and gratefulness,
Well, it's taken me about an hour to read-up on all the posts. Unfortunately, in the area of Kenya that we were in for the first 10 days, there was no internet access (Bondo). At the end of the trip, when we arrived at Kisumu (with internet), you had already departed so we were not able to correspond just before your departure as we had hoped--to let you know that we were praying for all of you. So, you will not see "comments" on each of your daily posts, but just this one long one!
Your trip sounds incredible. Some gorgeous scenery, especially of the beach area. (And you know how much Papa loves the things God created in nature!)
Did you enjoy your home stay? When your Mom (and Uncles/Aunts)went on choir tour, they did not long remember where they went, but they remembered the people and the homes that they stayed in.
I wish I could have a chance to ride the bullet trains! You know me and trains.
Hope all the injures have healed and pray that there are no serious new ones.
I'll try to get back to regular reading of the posts now that we are home.
Our trip to Kenya was beyond belief.
Ashton, What an opportunity of a lifetime God has given you!!!
As Papa said, we are just now getting the opportunity to catch up on your trip since we did not have internet access in the "bush bush" where we were in Kenya for most of our trip.
Tom preached this morning on us expecting to see God move which is fostered by being in "a place" where we can believe the promise of God "to work" and we can "step out in faith" . . . I'd say without question that YOU HAVE BEEN IN THAT PLACE, and furthermore you have seen Him working.
I wish moma could tape record all that you will have to share when you return!!!
You commented on how you are so very close to the team (even though you've only known them 8 months) - that's one of those beautiful things that happens with a well prepared team. It sounds as though the Kiwase's have fostered that well prepared team.
We'll continue to pray for you - especially now that your ministry (and the "enemy") have gone into overdrive. Just remember, greater is He who has called you and fitted you for this work than he who is in the world.
Love you,
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