A picture of Ashton and Mallory in costume for the Dramatic Truth Christmas Performance, The Mystery of Christmas.
About a week later we left for GA.
Crab leg dinner with Grandma and Papa and cousin Scott who is home from Mississippi State.
Tuffy and Kelda grinning like opossums while treating us to Chili's and just before playing Santa and Mrs. Claus at the AT&T store!!
A shot of the entire group taken by our waiter.
The picture says it all!!
Scott, Mallory, and Ashton at Lake Lanier Is. Light Show. (We stopped in the shop for a restroom break and a quick picture.)
Posing again in front of a tree at our favorite meeting place with the Diaddigo's...McDonalds. It has been our tradition for years to meet and talk for hours at the Mickey D's. We used to meet every couple of weeks before the move, now we meet every trip home!! We love you, Rebekah (and Kelle too)
WOW!!! This Christmas season has been a whirlwind!! We have had a great time, visited a lot of friends and family, attended services at our home church, laughed, cried, prayed, talked, watched Ashton and Mallory's former studio's Christmas dance performance, went to their cast party, shopped, wrapped, worked (you have to love laptops and cell phones), ate, packed the car and unpacked the car, ......
Many of the events, Ashton has blogged about and I am just filling in some pictures to pass the miles.
We are currently driving back to MO but thought I would try to write a quick post, or it won't happen for a good while what with the OneThing Conference, the Leadership Conference, an 18th birthday, jury duty, and 5 groups of house guests totaling 15 different people all by mid January.
What an exciting season the Lord has us in. We say yes, Lord, as well as give us wisdom in managing our time, the strength to do things we are called to, and discernment in appropriating rest and family time.
We are now in Jackson Co, so I have to close down the computer....
Love ya,
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