On Thanksgiving eve a major radio station in the area sponsors Christmas in the Park here in Grandview. It is a big deal and a major draw for people all over the Kansas City area, both in MO and KS. It is an evening to kick off the Christmas seasonal light exhibit they display at Longview Lake, which is very close to where we live. From now until New Year's eve they will have the display with over 300,000 lights and 400 figures all lit up. For those of you in Marietta, I guess it is sort of like the Life Chiropractic Christmas light display. (I will take pictures when I actually see it because we didn't do that part on this night because of the crowds.)
But on T'giving eve they kick off the festivities by having everyone (EVERYONE) drive into the park at 5pm and tailgate with their picnic dinners. Some people set up tables decorated with Christmas lights and everything. We invited a family we have grown to love to go with us. Paul did Intro with us and his wife is on Prayer Room staff. They have 2 younger daughters.
As you can see, the southern wimps decided to eat in the back of our van where it was warmer and the wind couldn't do anything but rock the vehicle!!
Then at 6pm we took our camp chairs and set them up in the beach front parking lot facing the large decorated stage where they had live performances with singers and dancers presenting holiday entertainment for about an hour and a half. We dressed very warm, but began to get chilled after a half hour. Then parts of our bodies began to freeze after an hour. By the end of the show, we were shivering. The temperature was not that bad, only at 30, but THE WIND. By the way, have I ever mentioned that the wind blows a lot here??
Then we all went back to our cars and turned on the heat and seat warmers and watched an incredible 15 minute fireworks display, set to Christmas music on the sponsoring radio station. It was terrific and we had a blast. It is definitely a tradition we will continue!
Happy Thanksgiving,
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