Victoria amazes me with her spirit of adventure. There is never a dull moment among the cousins when she is around. You should also see how great she is with all the babies. She is a natural. And, photographer!! Maybe she can tell me, how did all those pictures of Sud and Trouble get on my camera?!?
Brothers!! (and cousins to Ashton and Mallory) Here you see the greatest oldest brother, AJ, with his baby brother, Archer. AJ, you are such a great example to both of your younger brothers. I am very proud of you. You are also such a help to your mom.
Here is another Williams cousin, Abram. He used to be the baby of the A. Williams family, now he is just plain CUTE!!!
This is a great picture of two of Ashton and Mallory's Williams cousins, Autumn and Gabriel. They were posing for the camera so that A & M could see how much they had grown up since they were last together this summer. Tuffy has done an awesome job keeping us updated with current pictures of all the cousins on his blog. Thank you very much. It bridges the distance gap!! He and Kelda have also made it easy for his 2 and my 2 girls to do 'quickie correspondence' by adding texting and email to their phones. Now when my girls go online in between school subjects they can see what their cousins are up to.
Aunt Kristian (aka Aunt Christmas)
Gabriel and Autumn could pass as sisters.
You did a great job of capturing all the cousins! Not a small task in our family!
Love you,
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