April 23, 2011
AP: New Blog Page
April 8, 2011
KP: Praise
Just a quick update this morning.
How often do you hear praise of our Lord Jesus Christ? How often do you hear grumbling and complaint about our circumstances? If you are hearing the same human race as I am, you know where I am going. And I dare say, it is not much different within the Christian community. Yes, Christians praise while in a church service or prayer meeting or when we are giving a , but what about when all the stuff of life is happening. Is praise continually on our lips? During these times our God has not changed. Why should the praise we lift up change, or even cease? Beloved, circumstances will resolve or pass away. And, more significantly, our circumstances (aka trials and tribulations) are for developing faith and perseverance in us.
Consider Hebrews 13:15, "Through Jesus, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name."
Notice a couple of word choices that God has included.
1) constantly - 'we are to constantly offer praise up to God' - constantly means c-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-l-y
2) at all times - 'we are to at all times offer praise up to God' - at all times is pretty clear!
3) I think God makes a pretty strong case when He reiterates 'constantly' with 'at all times'.
4) sacrifice - 'a sacrifice of praise'; the word sacrifice doesn't bring to mind a sweet little girl skipping through the meadow freely praising the Lord. No, sacrifice is a costly choice when other things may be much easier and seem even more satisfying for the moment.
5) What exactly does He mean by offering up praise? That we 'thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name'.
A couple of closing thoughts regarding praise:
++Praise turns trials into faith-builders as we learn to measure our problems against His limitless power transforming the stumbling blocks of today into stepping stones for tomorrow.
++Praise frees us from having to understand our circumstances, knowing that God is in control. A heart that is filled with praise does not have to understand every detail of the circumstance. In fact, the details really don't matter. What does matter is that God is aware of every minute detail, monitors the circumstance and shapes it to fit His plan.
Love you,
March 23, 2011
AP: 300th post!!!!!!!!!!!
AP: Praying for Japan
March 2, 2011
KP: Desperation
When things get tough, really tough, we become desperate. Quite frankly the feeling of desperation is awful. It is that state of being where you have no ability to be able fix or change the situation. None. There is no person or nothing available to you that can change your situation . That place can bring despair. Desperation can actually be our friend. "What?", you say. That sounds anything but true. But, desperation can be our friend IF it makes us crave God and long to see His power unleashed in our lives.
How hungry are you for God today? Do you long to see His power unleashed in your life? It is much more pleasant when these desires come out of a heart at peace. But, given the alternative of not seeking God wholeheartedly and not seeing His power unleashed in our lives, I would even welcome a situation that unleashes desperation for Him. The end result of hungering and thirsting after God, seeking Him like never before, grabbing hold of the hem of His garment and not letting go until He meets me new and afresh, must be the posture of my heart.
Lord teach me to love you in and out of the storm.
February 21, 2011
KP: I Have to Know, What Makes them Cry Holy?
OK, so the Lord is speaking me through song right now. (He often does.) I was in the prayer room Thursday all ready for a Misty Edward's set. I had missed her 4pm and so I was really looking forward to the 8pm. When I walked in, Brandon Hampton was leading the set. Hum, I must say I was initially disappointed. But God hijacked me, one of God's names I know best - El Hijacker)
The lyrics to the song which are from Rev. 4 are below. You know, I had never really asked myself what it is that they see that makes the elders and angels in heaven do what they are doing and will continue to do for eternity. Do I have a knowledge of God that elicits the same response in me? Sadly, no, but I want it. And I want it enough to spend time getting to know Him in that way. It is a costly desire, anything is that requires time, our one limited resource. To say yes to one thing is to say no to another. But, I have to know, so I say yes.
You can click HERE to hear the song. Scroll over to 1:16 to get to the beginning of it. Warning: for those of you who do not like repeating songs, this one repeats for approximately 30 minutes, but then again, so does the song being sung by the angels in heaven, theirs lasting forever. Play the music in the background and meditate on the words as they come. I think you will enjoy.
"There He sits, upon the throne,
Sustainer of all things.
The elders bow,
And angels sing, their song forevermore.
How can I comprehend the beauty that has no end?
You have beckoned us to come and see
For every nation testifies the majesty
they can't deny the Son has made a way for them to come.
There is only one, there is only one, there is only one
Found worthy
What do the elders see that makes them all fall down?
What do the angels see that makes them all cry holy?
We have to know ,
We have to know ,
We have to know ,
What makes them cry holy?
There is only one, there is only one, there is only one,
found worthy.
To Him who sits on the throne
To him who reigns forever
To Him who sits on the throne
To him who reigns on high
Be blessing and honor and glory and power" (Rev 4:11)
Love, Kristian
February 20, 2011
MP: Love of Christ
I hope that you have been doing well lately. I sure have. At dance we have started learning our pieces for the performance, Firstborn From the Dead. So far it looks as if I will be in three pieces. In the piece that is for my jazz class I have a solo which I am super elated for, yet also terrified in the same breath. Before I do my part (as the mute) I have to stand frozen in position for a long time that seems like a perennial. :) This performance is basically an excerpt from the New Testament as the life of Christ.
We have gotten a bunch of snow. Our trampoline had icicles hanging from the bottom of the mesh and a block of ice on top which I had to devise how to get off. I will infer that the block of ice was two to three inches thick.
Have you ever thought about how no matter what people do, God still wants them for himself? God wants His people which is why He sent his son to die on the cross. It is so amazing that God would send his only son to go to the cross, die, and resurrect just so that when you sin you can be forgiven. I mean you naturally would assume that you have to work hard or do something. But no, you just have to say God or Jesus or Holy Spirit I have sinned and I ask for forgiveness and you will be made completely and utterly clean. It is so cool!!! And God does not defer in forgiving us. All that is needed is a subservient heart. This is not a tortuous walk at all and it exonerates you.
I also love the fact that Jesus knows everything that you have ever done and He still wants you. He is the perfect Bridegroom and He is waiting to come back for His people until they are ready for His return; ready to love Him whole heartily. Jesus is intent on contending for our hearts. We don't have to contort to be someone we are not for Him. He really wants a people that fully want Him. Not just to fix problems but to talk to and to spend time with.
Well this is what I have been thinking about in the prayer room. Hope it is some food for thought for you too and I have not expounded too much.
Love always,
February 18, 2011
KP: I Will Rest in You
"You guide me through the dark,
You calm my fearful heart.
and I will rest in you.
You give me perfect peace.
You fulfill my deepest needs
and I will rest in you.
And God,
Shining like the sun
Oh, let your kingdom come
Cause I want to be with you,
In your presence.
And I'm here to give you praise
cause you take my breath away.
And now I'm here to be with you.
I 'm in your presence.
Your kindness draws me in.
I am with you once again,
And I will rest in you.
My god you reign on high
To you alone I cry,
And I will rest in you."
Audra Lynn was singing this chorus in the prayer room the other night. I began to meditate on the truths it contained because we all walk through seasons of darkness, some of which are deeper than others. The chorus reminds us of the promises of God: He will guide us through the dark, He will calm our fearful heart, He will give us perfect peace. That is what He does because that is who He is. We have but one responsibility in the darkness - to rest in Him. Not to fix anything, not to find a way out. We may not initially see the way out, feel calmness of heart, or have any peace, let alone perfect peace. But in faith we, "call those things that be not as though they were" (Romans 4:17) and rest in Him.
Learning to give Him praise in all situations,
Click HERE to hear the song; scroll over to the 1:32 mark. The song was 1 hour and 32 minutes into the set.)
February 17, 2011
KP: Blessing
KP Writes:
Often Christians do not know how to define "blessing." A blessing is not always easy, painless, simple, comfortable or expected. A blessing often comes, wrapped in the mystery of darkness. But, in reality anything that makes us cry out to God can be counted as a blessing. Why? Because when we are desperate and in pain, when we have no answers and the darkness is closing in, we cry out to God,and He comes! Just as it was with the disciples.
The disciples had personally witnessed God's willingness to save His children. Yet, in Matthew 14, we find them in a boat, caught in a storm, afraid and still questioning God's willingness to rescue them. Did they cry out in fear? Yes! Did He come? Yes!
Jesus came to the disciples, walking on the water, between three and six o'clock in the morning, THE DARKEST TIME OF THE NIGHT.
Father, I come to You today with a faith that seems so small. I want to believe You, Lord. I want to walk by faith, knowing that You will keep every promise You have ever made. Help my unbelief, Lord.
February 12, 2011
AP: It's All About Your Gaze
Eyes never cease to amaze me. I love looking at people's eyes. Ever heard that phrase, "The eyes are the window to the soul"? Well, it's very true.....at least for me. I can tell a million things about a person just by looking at their eyes or a photo of their eyes. I can read how they are doing in an instant. Whether its been a rough day, if they are excited, tired, genuinely telling you the truth how they are doing, whether they have something on their mind, their personality, something exciting just happened to them.......anything and everything is expressed through the eyes. =) Eyes have an indescribable depth. Some are cloudy, some are clear, some are vibrant, some have a soft warm feel.....they are all mystifying.
I was thinking about the different color of eyes. Green, blue, grey, brown, chocolate swirl color, yellow, hazel, mixtures.......all different, incredibly unique designs by God. What color do you think Jesus' eyes were? Knowing He was from Jewish descent, I've often pondered if they were brown or had a color swirl in them. The Bible tells us what they look like. Revelation 1:14 says His eyes are like flames of fire. What does this mean? Do they look yellow/orange/bronze-ish or are they constantly moving and changing like a fire is? I'm not sure of the answer but I do know His gaze is probably intense!
And God obviously cares about our eyes because He put so much detail into creating them, making them one of our 5 senses, and talking a lot about how to guard our eyes. So what do you think? Why is it that God made our eyes to show how we are doing and to be the window of our souls? What is it about eyes that God has so highly valued them? It says in Psalms that we were created to gaze on beauty. Our job for eternity is to gaze at God in his indescribable holiness. The seraphim were created with eyes all around to gaze at God. As were the four living creatures around the throne who never cease to cry out "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Who was and is and is to come." since they were created. That is their job description.....how awesome is that? =) Eyes are so small, yet so important!
So my question to you.....what do your eyes say about who you are? What are your eyes fixed on?
February 11, 2011
KP: Year 2011 Outlook
There is a spirit of holy fear as well as excitement in our hearts concerning the outlook of 2011. We believe that this will be a year of significant transition as echoed by a number of men and women of God that we have come in contact with over the years. There is an inward witness of the Holy Spirit that says there will be significant waves of genuine spiritual renewal and revival in various pockets in America as well as around the world in the midst of shifts, confusion, turmoil, and judgment.
More than ever, we need to know and partner with the heart of Jesus. Therefore, with an open Bible and on our knees, we need to watch and pray as commanded by Jesus for such a time as this. God will pour out abundant joy, peace, and revelation as we seek Him!
February 10, 2011
JP: God's New Name
What's in a name? Identity for one. They don't even have to be full names. All sports fans know Herschel, Hank, Michael, Bird, Magic, Gretzky, and Pele. The entertainment world is the same - Cher, Elton, Bing, Elvis, Lucy, Oprah. We even identify them as well by nicknames - the Babe, Old Blue Eyes, the Great One, Sweetness, The King, and Broadway Joe. Or initials - JFK, FDR, LBJ, and MLK
In Scripture, a person’s name identified them and stood for something specific. This is especially true of God. Naming carried special significance. It was a sign of authority and power. This is evident in the fact that God revealed His names to His people rather than allowing them to choose their names for Him. This is also seen in the fact that God often changed the names of His people: Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel, Saul to Paul.
Some of my favorite names of God are El Shaddai - "God all sufficient" (no explanation needed there), Jehovah-Jireh - "the Lord will provide" (amen!), Jehovah-Rophe - "the Lord Who heals" (always fun!), and Jehovah-Sabaoth - "the Lord of Hosts", the Commander of the angelic hosts and the armies God (just cool to think about.)
Well, God has just revealed another of His names to me: Jehovah Heehee - "the Lord Who laughs at me, the jokester God." Yes, as I was in the middle of my 3 hour labor of love known as shoveling 14" of snow from my driveway and listening to various teachings on a local christian station, God made this revelation to me (sidenote - I spared my beautiful ladies the chore since they had actually shoveled after the 8" storm about a week prior).
Back to Jehovah-Heehee. Think about it. First, there's Adam and Eve. Really now, did you think you could hide from God in that little garden? Later, we see Joseph's brothers deciding enough's enough and selling their youngest brother to slave traders so that they are finally rid of him. God has the last laugh as they come to beg for food from Joseph years later. Then, we have Goliath blaspheming God and mocking the Israelites. So, God sends David, " a youth and ruddy with handsome appearance", out to conquer the warrior giant with a stick, 5 stones, and a sling. Down goes Goliath at the hands of Mr. GQ. Then we have grumpy ol' Jonah. First, he runs the other way when God tells him to go to Nineveh. Then, he gets thrown overboard, swallowed by some kind of swimming creature, the fish/whale vomits him up on shore, and Jonah gets mad at God. One because God eventually uses him to spare the sinners in Nineveh, and secondly because God caused the plant that was shading Jonah to die to prove a point to him. And then there's Saul who had been persecuting the followers of Jesus. One of the most feared men in his community. The Lord basically says to him, "Dude, what's your your problem? Why are you persecuting me?" God opens his eyes. Saul gets a name change to Paul and ends up giving his life serving the Jesus whom he had persecuted.
And then there's me. The one who hated the cold. The one who always joked about escaping from the frigid north as a child. So, how's the snow, cold, and wind working for me? Just laughing with God and learning to love it. Well, the snow anyway! Still praying for and asking Him for IHOP-Roatan, Honduras.


KP: onething 2010 Archives Link
I have really enjoyed revisiting many of the teachings as well as the worship sets from the onething 2010 conference held here in Kansas City December 28-31. Click the picture for the link to the free video archives. You can choose which session you want to watch and even fast forward through the worship to the teaching.

Love ya,
February 9, 2011
KP: Pray for Mallory
Mallory is ill, and has been since Saturday evening. She came down with a fever, headache and sore throat. Since then she has become congested and developed a cough. Mostly she has felt terrible and lacks energy. She is in the bed by night and on the lying on the couch by day. Trying to most anything else leaves her dizzy and unable to sit or stand. Pray with us that she be healed and regain her strength. The only one that has enjoyed these days is the cat who loves having someone to lay around with. He has been her constant companion and bed warmer.
KP: America Intoxicated
Most of you know the burden the Lord continually places upon my heart is to pray that the church in America would awaken from her slumber, awaken to who she is in Christ, and be who she should be to an unbelieving world - through her words and her actions. With that forever in the forefront of my mind, I ran across a quote from Abraham Lincoln that in my opinion basically sums up the state of America yet today. I share it with you calling you to pray with me for the Church in the west. Pray that she will wake up and then become a sounding alarm in America to all Americans.
"Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us."
February 8, 2011
KP: Jeff's Birthday
February 4, 2011
KP: Goldfish Live
KP: Blizzard
Sorry but I do not have as many pictures of the blizzard as I would like. Basically, it was too cold to have my hand out of the gloves (Yes, I had two pair on at the same time.)
Here are Jeff, Mallory and Ashton as we left the house on Tuesday about noon. It was still in the 20's with small winds (20mph) and regular snow showers. (not blizzard conditions yet)
KP: Hawk
This morning I staggered to the kitchen to pour my first cup of coffee when I glanced out the window onto our back patio and could not believe my eyes. Perched on the back of our chair was a beautiful brown hawk. As is typical when it snows or gets extremely cold, we have had our doves coming and resting on the trashcans, chairs, steps, anywhere they can be out of the wind, and able to stand on something other than snow. Usually they are as close to the house as possible, I guess taking advantage of the heat that escapes through the walls and windows.
Also, some smaller birds have joined the doves with this last more extreme storm. It is funny to see how the puff out their feathers trying to stay warm. Having put out some birdseed we enjoy watching them move about picking their favorite from the spilled mess.
Well today, this young hawk was seeking refuge. He was beautiful and all alone. Needless to say, no doves or small yard birds were anywhere to be seen. I apologize for the picture quality, we didn't have the camera upstairs. So, par for the course, Mallory whips out her handy cell phone, takes the photo, sends it to my email, and one Picasa edited, zip file photo later, we have the picture uploaded to Blogger from being exported to My Pictures. (surely there is a more direct way!)

January 30, 2011
AP: Eating grapefruit
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen!!!! I found this on the Yahoo news page.....
January 29, 2011
KP: Is Your Heart Burning?
Luke 23:44-45, "It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two." Why was the curtain torn in two? Because the Holy of Holies was now to be opened up for the first time to human gaze. And because the Holy of Holies of the human spirit was now to be opened to the habitation of God!
When the Son of Man died, God ripped the veil wide open. He passed through the holy place, and penetrated into the Holy of Holies, into the secret of humanity-and the reality of humanity's spirit was unveiled.
Next was the resurrection and then the encounter of the two disciples walking on the road to when Jesus appeared to them. Luke 24:32, "They asked each other, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?'"
A burning heart is a heart that is caught up with the excitement and glory of a fulfilled humanity. The secret is revealed. Our humanity is fully possessed, reclaimed by our Creator. The Holy of Holies has been entered. What was lost has been saved. That is where we stand now. The secret of humanity is open to anyone who opens his or her own heart to the Son of Man, the perfect man.
He alone has penetrated the depths of the human spirit. He alone reestablishes the lost relationship with God that enables us to be what God intended us to be. He alone saves and restores what was lost in the fall of man, in the entrance of sin into the world. He alone can restore the marred, distorted image of God in our lives. All the possibility of a fulfilled humanity is available to anyone in whom the spirit of Christ dwells. All that you deeply want to be in the innermost recesses of your heart, you can be. I'm not talking about your goals in life, such as becoming a millionaire or an Olympic gold medalist. No, I'm talking about the deepest, most inexpressible yearnings of your heart-your desire to be connected to God, to know Him and be known by Him; your desire to have your life count for something in the eternal scheme of things; your desire to be clean and whole and forgiven.
Jesus makes it possible for you to fulfill God's best for you, so that you will be mature and Christlike, filled with love, forgiveness, wholeness, and good works. Yes, a burning heart is a heart that is caught up with the excitement and glory of a fulfilled humanity. Is your heart burning?
Blessings, Kristian
January 28, 2011
KP: Ashton's 19th Birthday Party
Ashton wanted to have some friends from dance and friends she knows through dance friends go ice skating with her to celebrate her birthday. So on Saturday before her birthday eleven girls and guys gathered at our house to caravan an outdoor skating rink in a part of Kansas City known as the Crown Center. Of course the temperature was a frigid 9 degrees when we left the house about 5pm. After a couple hours they had had enough fun and were ready to head back to the house for a chicken and rice dinner, games, a movie and then girls spent the night. Great fun was had by all, including Jeff and I. Enjoy the pictures.
Hope you got a taste of the great fun we had with this celebration of a beautiful young woman. These are some great kids and they are a joy to 'do life' with. May the Lord bless them and may they run hard after Him!