April 28, 2010
AP: The Countdown Begins...........
April 26, 2010
AP: Daniel Bashta............in KC!
Hi all!
I just wanted to tell you something that happened in church the other day. Ryan Kondo, one of the IHOP worship leaders, was leading worship at FCF (Forerunner Christian Fellowship-our church service). One of the songs he did was Daniel Bashta's song Roaring Like a Lion. We got so excited when we heard the song! It was such a blessing that our home church's worship leader's song was being played for our church in KC! We all were so excited! The Price family is super pumped for camp!
Not only were we excited, but the lyrics are really powerful as well. Here are the lyrics:
Let hope arise and make the darkness hide
My faith is dead, I need a resurrection somehow
Now I'm lost in Your freedom
This World I'll overcome
My God's not dead He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion
Let love explode and bring the dead to life
A love so bold to see a revolution somehow
Let heaven roar
And fire fall
Come shake the ground
With the sounds of revival
Here's a link if you want to listen to the song:
Have a great day!
April 21, 2010
AP: 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 16, 2010
MP: Many Buckets in one
How are you??? Well I am going to do several different entries to this blog entry.
On our trip to Oklahoma we stayed in tents as you know from previous blogs. I'm not sure if they told you but I led worship that Sunday morning on Easter... using a CD of course. But we had a great service and to be honest with you I felt the Lord there more than I had all week. Another favorite time of the trip was seeing the baby colt. I loved being able to go to the Little House on the Prairie Farm.
Then on that Tuesday Gabby and Victoria, my cousins, came out here and we had a fabulous time doing everything especially coming up with code names for each other. HAHA!!!! One of the days they were here Ashton and I took them to the Plaza to see what shops were there and then to the Cheese Cake Factory. We each got an appetizer and we all split a cheese cake wedge. Oh boy was it delicious!!!!!!!!!! The day before they came out here was their dad's birthday. (Uncle Tuffy) Also this Wednesday there was another birthday in my family. My cousin, Abram, turned 3 years old!!!!!!!!! Yeah, he is such a big boy. I love you!!!!
On Sunday a guy from my home church, Jules, is going to marry Bethany...which makes me think how we are Jesus' bride and how he is our bridegroom. I am just happy that my God wants me to be His and that He wants to be with me for eternity. I guess the point I am trying to say is CONGRATS Jules and Bethany!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We love Y'all. (sorry if I used IHOP lingo)
Love always,
April 10, 2010
KP: Cousins Visit From GA
Gabriel and Victoria, Ashton and Mallory's cousins, flew in on this past Tuesday to visit us for spring break. I will try to upload some of the highlights from their visit over the next few days. (Ashton may beat me to it!) But for now here are some pictures from their arrival.
We next went to the FSM building where we have our church services and where the Bible school classes are held.
More to come.
Love ya,
KP: Are you Willing?
KP Writes:
"Are you willing?"
Now that is a loaded question. 'It depends' would be a customary and safe response for most people. But in Kingdom living, that is not good enough.
I am often awakened in the night and know that the Lord is calling me to intercession. Many times my flesh is crying out to go back to sleep. I don't want to think or pray, because if I do, then I will be unable to go back to sleep for the rest of the night. But I have a clear impression that the Lord is calling me to pray for a particular person or situation. The question becomes, "Am I willing?" Isaiah 6 should be our only response, "Here I am Lord, send me".
The context of this passage was that Isaiah was undone when he saw a vision of the Lord on His throne in all His holiness. His first response was one of dismay: "Woe is me, for I am ruined...for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts". Then came the question from the Lord: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Despite his feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy, Isaiah found himself saying, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah offered himself willingly.
For us, the Lord's request for our willingness may not come in such a dramatic context as what Isaiah faced of bringing a difficult message to the people of Israel. But He asks us the same challenging question: "Are you willing?" Maybe the Lord is asking if we would be willing to give time to intercede for a person, our city, or for our nation. He may be asking us if we are willing to deliver a word or warning or encouragement to someone around us. Perhaps the Lord is asking us to take a step we have been afraid or reluctant to take. Whatever the assignment, the question God is asking is clear: "Are you willing?"
In the New Testament Paul answers the same question with an equivalent answer, "Lord, what do you want me to do?" Also in the book of Acts, Ananias, the prophet who prayed for Paul, answered the question of "Are you willing?" He experienced an understandable moment of hesitation as he was facing a fearful task, yet in spite of his apprehensions Ananias was willing to obey God's request.
Some thoughts as we consider, "Are you willing?":
>Are you willing? Will you consider the responsibility of offering yourself to God as an intercessor?
>Are you willing to become a servant?
>The Lord is saying, "I am assembling my army. Are you willing to be a freewill offering? Will you give me yourself without reservation, go wherever I send you, become whatever I make you?"
>Are you willing to follow Jesus? Will you deny yourself? Will you take up your cross? (Somebody said, "Your cross is the place where your will and God's will cross." Every one of us comes to that place, and that is where we make a decision. Whose will? God's will-or my will? We all have an area of our lives where we have to say, "Not my will, but Yours, be done.")
What are the situations today in which the Lord is asking, "Are you willing?" Often the question comes during very challenging circumstances. It may be a step of faith you are hesitant to take. It may be a response to fulfill an aspect of your calling that you feel is beyond your reach. It may be a simple act of obedience you have been avoiding.
Listen to the words the Lord says to you as He encourages you to respond: "I have said to you in My Word that if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Do not fear, and do not hesitate any longer. Are you willing to trust Me in this matter, and will you step out in response to My Prompting? Are you willing to move ahead at My direction, even though your feel dread and fear when you think of it? Are you willing to step out of the boat to walk out to meet Me as I invite you to walk with Me on the water?"
I believe with all my heart the Lord will meet us as we respond to Him. The promise of the Lord in Isaiah 1:19 is as true today as when He issued the invitation through Isaiah, for us to come to Him and reason with Him. The Lord's promise is absolutely reliable-if we are willing and obedient, we will eat the good of the Land.
Willing-although often after moments of hesitation, with understandable apprehension,
April 7, 2010
AP: Happy Easter
What was super cool was afterward! We decided to defy the instruction's Mandy had given us (our GPS system) and went the other way. Little did we know we passed by tons of fields with livestock. (I think I must have seen over 1 million different cows on this trip!!!!) We passed one field that had a horse and its baby colt. The colt was super wobbly and was so cute to watch! We figured it couldn't have been more than 24 hours old.
We passed by several of the Walmart distributing plants. They are huge!!!! They seem to go on forever!!!! Then we hopped in the car and headed to Tulsa, OK, where we planned on spending the night. Since we figured it would be pretty hard to find food that was Daniel fast friendly, we decided to break the fast on this trip. Our first meal...........Golden Corral. =). We all came to the table with a plateful of meat and sweets. It was really funny. We also got to see what people from that part of OK look like.......hmmmmm.........that's all I have to say! =)
We spent the night in a Super 8 motel. From the outside it didn't look to bad.......but it was pretty scary on the inside. Our room even had a missing smoke detector with the wires hanging through the roof. We also had a continental breakfast. Moma and Daddy's bed squeaked loudly every time they moved even the slightest bit. It was so funny!!!!
On Saturday we headed off and realized we were really close to Oral Roberts University. So we stopped to look around. We got to go into the cafeteria and also met a security officer who was super nice.
Then we went on and went to the middle of nowhere.......and I truly mean nowhere. We found a little town that had a population of less than 500 people.........Redbird, OK. It was so funny!!!
Then we traveled on and came upon Porter, OK. It was a slightly larger town. We stopped to go in an antique store because Moma felt the urge. =) On our way to Wagoner, OK, we passed by this sod plantation. It was enormous! The road goes through the middle of the fields which are as far as you can see in any direction. We must have spent 15 or so minutes driving........fast about 70mph!!!!! When we got to Wagoner we found a National park named Sequoyah State Parkwhere we decided to camp. The park is divided up into many different sections which they have named Indian names. We stayed in the Creek Indian part. The other names were Cherokee, Sequoyah, Choctaw, It was pretty neat. We set up our tents (which was a huge hassle due to the wind!) and then went back to Wagoner to go to the Walmart. We got the goods in order to make smores and also ordered pizza from Mazzio's. When we got back to the camp we ate dinner and then had smores over our fire. It was so much fun bonding with each other. We also had a photo shoot. =)
This was the view from our campsite across the lake. It was so beautiful!
Seeking shelter from the wind beside the car.....
Next we were headed a little north. Exiting the park there was a little hotel we passed that said it had 'refrigerated air'. I thought that was pretty funny. We also saw a huge snake on the side of the road which we turned around to get a better look at. Pressing our heads up to the window we passed by this old lady on her front porch and waved at her. She probably thought we were nuts even though she waved back. =) Driving down the road munching on our Easter candy, Moma spotted a phenomenon.......her name spelled correctly! Of course we had to stop and take pictures of this sign. Just think, she had a road in OK named after her and didn't even know it! =)
Traveling on we went to Independence, KS. This is the location of the Little House on the Prairie. It was really cool to see Sunny Side school and all the pictures of actual people who lived out there. The sun was setting so we took pictures and Mallory and I just couldn't resist poising for dance pictures. What better place than in the middle of nowhere with the wind rustling the grass and land for as far as you can see in any direction? It was incredible! I would move out into the middle of nowhere in a heartbeat! God's creation is so beautiful!
Same cabin.......different view. =)
Inside the cabin........
Mallory in the outhouse........
A little donkey next to the Ingall farm........
The sun setting over the prairie.....It almost looks like a painting!
These are just so beautiful!
Us running in the fields.........
The colors in this picture are amazing!
We are in the middle of nowhere!!!!!
Nobody for as far as you can see......
Running through the fields.......
That is how far away they were........and I was already halfway toward them.
The sunset........It almost reminded me of an African sunset..........
Another picture...........I really like this one!
Standing in the middle of nowhere..........
Me in the middle of nowhere.........
More sunset.............
I love the smokey clouds!
The sun peeping out the bottom of the clouds.......
African sunset in Kansas.........
The grasses of Kansas..........
More sunset..............
Mallory doing an attitude............
Not to be outdone, I too did one. =)
The sun was so red!
Mallory is such an elegant dancer!
This was a really cool jump!
Me doing a split type jump......
I loved the color of the clouds!
All in all we had a fabulous weekend!!!! We are grateful that God continued to supply us with many surprises and adventures along the way!!!! It was so much fun to get to explore yet another part of God's vast creation!